Ill See You Again in 25 Years

Предлоги времени: at / on / in


Сравните at, on и in:

  • They arrived at five o'clock. (в five часов)
  • They arrived on Friday. (в пятницу)
  • They arrived in October. (в октябре) / They arrived in 1968. (в 1968)

Мы используем:

at – для времени дня

at 5 o'clock
в пять часов

at 11.45
в 11:45

at midnight
в полночь

at lunchtime
во время обеда

at sunset etc.
на закате

on – для дней и дат

on Friday / on Fridays
в пятницу / по пятницам

on 16 May 1999
16 Мая 1999

on Christmas 24-hour interval
в день Рождества

on my birthday
на мой день рожденья

in – для более долгих периодов времени (например, месяца/года/сезоны)

in October
in (the) winter

in 1988
in the 1990s

in the 18th century
in the Center Ages

in the past
in (the) future

Во всех этих примерах in переводится как 'в', кроме in (the) winter – зимой.


Мы используем at в этих выражениях:

at nighttime

  • I don't like going out at night.
    Мне не нравится выходить ночью на улицу.

at the weekend / at weekends

  • Will you exist here at the weekend?
    Вы будете здесь на выходных?

at Christmas

  • Practise yous requite each other presents at Christmas?
    Вы дарите друг другу подарки на Рождество?

at the moment / at present

  • Mr Benn is busy at the moment / now.
    Мистер Бенн в данный момент (в настоящее время) занят.

at the same time

  • Emily and I arrived at the aforementioned time.
    Эмили и я приехали в одно (и то же) время.


Мы говорим:

in the morning(s)
in the afternoon(s)
in the evening(s)


on Friday forenoon(s)
on Sun afternoon!(southward)

on Monday evening!(s) и др.

  • I'll see you in the morning.
    Увидимся утром.
  • Do you work in the evenings?
    Ты работаешь по вечерам?
  • I'll encounter yous on Friday forenoon.
    Увидимся в пятницу утром.
  • Do you work on Sabbatum evenings?
    Ты работаешь в субботу по вечерам?


Перед last/side by side/this/every предлоги at/on/in не используются:

  • I'll encounter you adjacent Friday. (not on next Fri)
    Увидимся в следующую пятницу.
  • They got married last March.
    Они поженились прошлым мартом.

В разговорном английском мы часто опускаем on перед днями (Sunday/Monday и т.п.). Т.е. вы можете сказать:

  • I'll run across you on Friday.или I'll see you Friday.
  • I don't exit on Monday mornings.или I don't get out Monday mornings.


In a few minutes / in half dozen months и т.п.

  • The railroad train will be leaving in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from at present)
    Поезд отправится через несколько минут.
  • Andy has gone abroad. He'll be back in a calendar week. (= a week from now)
    Энди уехал. Он вернется через неделю.
  • She'll exist here in a moment. (= a moment from at present)
    Она сейчас придет. (досл.: она будет здесь в один момент)

Вы также можете сказать 'in six months' time', 'in a calendar week's time' и т.п. :

  • They're getting married in six months' fourth dimension. или ... in six months.
    У них свадьба через полгода.

Мы также используем in ..., чтобы сказать как долго требуется что-либо сделать:

  • I learnt to drive in four weeks. (= information technology took me four weeks to learn)
    Я научился водить машину за четыре недели.


1. Закончите предложения. Используйте at, on или in + следующее:

the evening
the moment

about xx minutes
21 July 1969
the Heart Ages

the 1920s
11 seconds

the same time

  1. Columbus made his commencement voyage from Europe to America .
  2. If the sky is clear, you lot tin run into the stars .
  3. After working hard during the day, I like to relax .
  4. Neil Armstrong was the offset human being to walk on the moon .
  5. It'southward hard to listen if everyone is speaking .
  6. Jazz became popular in the The states .
  7. Key

  8. I'm simply going out to the shop. I'll be back .
  9. (on the phone) 'Can I speak to Dan?' 'I'one thousand afraid he'southward not hither .'
  10. Many of Europe's not bad cathedrals were congenital .
  11. Ben is a very fast runner. He tin can run 100 metres .
  12. Liz works from Mon to Friday. Sometimes she also works .


2. Выберите at, on или in.


3. Отметьте галочкой правильный ответ a, b или оба ответа? (п. one и 2 уже отмечены)

I'll meet y'all on adjacent Fri.

I'll see yous side by side Fri.

Paul got married in April.

They never go out on Sunday evenings.

They never get out Sunday evenings.

Nosotros ofttimes have a short holiday on Christmas.

We oftentimes have a short holiday at Christmas.

What are you doing the weekend?

What are you doing at the weekend?

Will yous be here on Tuesday?

Will you be here Tuesday?

We were ill at the same time.

We were sick in the same time.

Sue got married at 18 May 1996.

Sue got married on 18 May 1996.

He left schoolhouse terminal June.

He left school in last June.



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