To Be Continued Doctor Who Gif

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Columbus birthplace of GIF

Ohio has been the birthplace for numerous inventions—the airplane, the traffic light, and the cash register to name a few.

However, there's a modern technology that folks may not know began its life in this state: the Graphics Interchange Format (or GIF) was first developed in 1987 by Steve Wilhite while working at the then-formidable CompuServe Incorporated, headquartered here in Columbus.

The original version was intended as an efficient file format for color images to be used with CompuServe's online services.

However, the centerpiece of the GIF as we all know of it today—its animation abilities—did not emerge until the second version of the GIF standard in 1989.

One certainly feels hometown pride when they see "Columbus, Ohio" written on the front page of the official GIF specification documents.

In the 21st century, the GIF has evolved to become an influential sociocultural communications tool. It serves as yet another example of a bright idea from Ohio.

Aaron Gaba, Bexley

Portman must 'do what is honorable' and pass voting rights bills

This is the time when true character emerges. In his final year in the Senate, Rob Portman has every opportunity to do what is honorable and courageous, working with his Senate colleagues to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

These bills cannot wait. Time is critical to ensure our voting rights are protected.

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman

More:Senate Democrats unveil new voting rights bill in latest effort to bring federal rules to elections

Voting is the bedrock of this country, a fundamental right of our democracy for all people. Our communities of color face greater inequity when voter suppression occurs, and their voices are not heard.

More:Ohio is part of a shameful trend to erect barriers to voting in America

In Ohio, where unfair and unconstitutional gerrymandered maps have been engineered by the majority party in the face of voter declarations stating gerrymandering must end, a national mandate is required to stop the state-by-state dismantling of voter rights in this country.

More:Opinion: Congress must pass voting rights bill to prevent Republican gerrymandering

Dave Whamond

Portman must realize he is now liberated from partisan pressure and can act on what is fair and just. I urge you to tell Portman to step up, be bold, and do what is right for the voters of this state and this nation. It is crucial for securing our continued democracy.

Debra Saunders, Dublin


More:How to submit a letter to the editor for The Columbus Dispatch

Nation has faltered in response to the pandemic

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues, intensified by the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Notwithstanding production of efficacious vaccines, the United States has faltered in its overall response to the pandemic, largely because it lacks key necessities to address public health crises.

More:Ohio facing 'very serious situation' as COVID cases skyrocket, state's top doctor says

First, we need a modernized data infrastructure to aggregate, analyze and visualize epidemiologic trends at the county, state, and national levels. Information including rates of test positivity, hospitalization, mortality, and immunization would be accessible for data input and output by all citizens.

The platform would also serve as the foundation for analytical modeling to best inform resource allocation through accurate, real-time data.

Second, the U.S. needs to expand a community-level workforce beyond the current county health platform. Similar in concept to a national guard, a mobilized community workforce would assemble and perform defined tasks including education, surveillance testing, and pharmaceutical administration in times of health crisis. Such a nimble workforce could potentially decrease spread of infection, preventing less social interruption and adverse economic impact.

More:Ohio National Guard deployed to help with COVID-19 testing site in Columbus

Lastly, we need defined processes for consistent communication and information sharing. Inconsistent messaging and false propaganda have eroded public trust, resulting in detrimental choices and actions that run contrary to maintaining public health. Communication needs to be consistent at all levels of government and disseminated expeditiously in actionable forms that citizens can understand.

More:Preventable tragedies are unfolding in Greater Columbus hospital, doctors and nurses say

Investing in such provisions will not only maintain the physical and mental health of our country, but also demonstrate the global leadership that the U.S. must assume as future health challenges arise.

Dr. Jeffery J. Auletta, Columbus

Joel Pett

 Claim that police see Black people as 'the enemy' is 'ludicrous'

I am here to say that Susan K. Smith is ludicrous, in her bold face statements, (Jan. 11 column "Many police officers think Black people are 'the enemy'") as to law enforcement being "trained" to a "warrior mindset," to see Black or brown people as enemies.

More:Pastor: Police believe Black people are 'the enemy' due to 'warrior mindset'

Truly, I am sick to my stomach to read her untrue, inflammatory, sickening statements. I am the wife of a Franklin County Deputy Sheriff and I know for a fact what they are taught in both the academy and on the job.

More:Lawsuit accuses Columbus of rejecting Black men for city police training academy

My husband has been a deputy for over four years and I lived every day with his education and experience. They do not tolerate discrimination, in any way. They are taught to respect all. This type of trash talk can only keep us from coming together.

More:Columbus police used force disproportionately against Black residents, study contends

Deborah Lind, Harrisburg

Being forced to choose between wellness and work is nothing new

I read the Jan. 10 article, "Choosing between health or paycheck," about people needing to choose between their health or their paycheck during COVID. If the topic were not so serious, I would have laughed.

More:A COVID-19 dilemma: Many sick workers can't afford to stay home

It is not new that many workers have to choose between their health and their income or taking care of sick children and their paychecks. Is there someone who did not realize that this is how many people live all of the time? Is it new that those who most often have to make this choice are those who can least afford it?

More:Columbus State, faculty at odds over sick leave policies amid pandemic

Maybe our state legislators can ignore gun rights and critical race theory moral panics for a few days and try to help the parents who are forced to choose between work and their health or the health of their children.

Brenda Chaney, Columbus

Anti-voucher lawsuit a 'courageous' act supported by many Ohioans

Finally, the gloves have come off with the "Vouchers Hurt Ohio" lawsuit by 100 public school districts in Ohio challenging the constitutionality of the states's voucher system.

More:100 public schools are suing Ohio, saying EdChoice voucher programs are unconstitutional

The Ohio Constitution states that "no religious sect, or other sects, shall ever have any exclusive right to, or control of, any part of the school funds of this state."

Ohio's public schools have lost $2 billion of funding over the past decade because the state legislature has passed laws shifting state funding for public schools to pay for vouchers for private and religious school tuition.

The loss of billions statewide to vouchers continues to be a direct hit on property taxpayers and students as more school levies have had to be put on the ballot and vital school programs and resources have suffered huge cuts.

The vast majority, 95% (1.7 million) of Ohio's children attend our public school system designated by the adoption of the Ohio Constitution in 1851. The original constitutional commitment to "thoroughly and efficiently" fund one common public school system for the children of Ohio is crystal clear.

More:Plan would give every Ohio K-12 student a voucher to attend private school

t's time to get real. Ohio's constitutional promise of "thoroughly" funding "one common public school system" cannot be sustained if billions of dollars continue to be taken from public schools to pay for vouchers for multiple private school systems.

More:Ohio legalized school vouchers to help kids in failing schools. Is that what's happening?

Cheers to all of these courageous public school community members from over 100 Ohio public school districts. There are thousands of Ohioans who support their lawsuit seeking constitutional integrity for Ohio's one common public school system.

We stand ready and inspired to join Ohio's public school communities in their urgent legal challenge to prove that vouchers violate Ohio's Constitution.

Maureen Reedy, Columbus

Dave Whamond
Joel Pett


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